Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Chapter 16 Holt

practice for test and assignmnets

Sylvester Holt Environmental Science Chapter 16

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1.Aggregatessand, grave, and crushed rock
2.Bondin a bond forfeiture program, a mining company must post funds, called a <>, before a mining project begins
3.Dumpsexcess rock from mines is sometimes dumped into large piles
4.EPAAn independent federal agency established to coordinate programs aimed at reducing pollution and protecting the environment
5.Evaportieswhen the water in these seas or lakes evaporates, deposits of salts are left behind
6.Fluxin the furnace, material called a <> bonds with impurities and separates them from the molten metal
7.forfeitureGovernment seizure of property and other assets derived from or used in criminal activity.
8.Gangue Mineralsminerals that have no commercial value
9.Gemstonessome nonmetallic minerals that are prized purely for their beauty, rarity, or durability
10.Hydrothermal Solutionshot, subsurface waters that contain dissolved minerals
11.IncentiveAnything that offers rewards to people who change their behavior
12.LicenseA legal document stating that the holder has permission from the proper authorities to carry on a certain trade or profession
13.Longwallthe wall of the seam, may be more than 300m long
14.Minerala naturally occurring, usually inorganic solid that has a characteristic chemical composition, an orderly internal structure, and a characteristic set of physical properties
15.Native elementsthe elements gold, silver, and copper are considered minerals
16.Open-pit mininga method that is often used when large quantities of near-surface ore are mined
17.Ore Mineralsminerals that are valuable and economical to extract
18.Overburdencovered near-surface coal seams
19.Penaltythe act of punishing
20.Reclamationthe process of returning land to its original or better condition after mining is completed
21.Room-And-Pillar Mininga common method of subsurface mining that is used to extract coal and salt
22.Smeltingcrushed ore is melted at high temperatures in furnaces to separate impurities from molten metal
23.Subsidencethe sinking of regions of the ground with little or no horizontal movement
24.Subsurface miningore deposits that are usually 50 m or more beneath Earth's surface are mined by using <> methods
25.Surface miningmethods are used when ore deposits are located close to Earth's surface

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