Monday, December 15, 2014

CW December 2014 article cuyahoga river

In June of 1969, the Cuyahoga River, a feeder to Lake Erie and Cleveland, Ohio’s main waterway, burst into flames. The August 1969 issue of Time magazine featured an article on the fire, and it wasn’t kind: “Some river! Chocolate-brown, oily, bubbling with subsurface gases, it oozes rather than flows.” Cleveland, my hometown, a great American city with world class museums, music and major league sports, would soon be known as “the mistake on the lake.”

America’s environmental awareness did not have its beginnings with the Cuyahoga blaze, but the image of the river’s spontaneous combustion became etched in the nation’s consciousness as a symbol of the environmental decay wrought by industrial progress. The Cuyahoga fire is often described in history books as a wake-up call to the nation. By the early 1970s, a strong environmental consciousness took hold.

China today — as it begins to come to terms with air, water and land befouled by three decades of industrialization — bears some resemblance to the United States of the late 1960s. The Chinese are beginning to wonder, just as Americans did back then, whether “industrial progress” has come at too high a cost to the environment. Attitudes in China are changing.

When the PEW Research Center asked Chinese people in a 2008 survey to rate the seriousness of air pollution on a scale ranging from “not a problem at all” to a “very big problem,” 31 percent rated it a “very big problem.” In 2013, in a repeat of the PEW survey, 47 percent called it a “very big problem.” While these numbers tell us only so much, the trend is clear: environmental anxiety is spreading.

This growing anxiety is reflected in the rising frequency of environmental protests. In the past year, people have taken to the streets in cities throughout the country to protest the building of coal-fired power plants, chemical plants, oil refineries, waste incinerators, and the like. According to Chen Jiping, a former leading member of the Communist Party’s political and legislative affairs committee, pollution is now the leading cause of social unrest in China.

Why this budding environmental consciousness now? The answer is simple: 2013 was, by any accounting, one horrific year for the environment.

The year started with the “airpocalypse.” In January 2013, Beijing was enveloped by a thick, soupy concoction so dirty, so polluted, that day in China’s capital turned to night. The quality of the air over Beijing was worse than a typical airport smoking lounge. The World Health Organization said it was 40 times higher than the level deemed safe to breathe. Since then, incidents of equally deadly air pollution have struck Shanghai, Tianjin, Hangzhou and other cities.

In March, pig carcasses came bobbing up and down the Huangpu River, a major source of Shanghai’s drinking water. For two weeks, not just a few dead pigs or even a few hundred, but 16,000 pig carcasses floated past Shanghai. Farmers upstream were apparently disposing of dead and virus-stricken hogs by dumping them in local rivers.
In 2013 the Beijing government acknowledged what environmentalists had long suspected: some villages in the countryside had become so-called cancer villages, communities where cancer cases “cluster” and far exceed the norm. These villages are usually just downstream from an industrial plant that discharges hazardous waste into rivers that villagers use to drink and to irrigate their crops. Chinese nongovernmental organizations and environmental experts put the current number of cancer villages at more than 450.

In May of 2013, officials in Guangzhou, one of China’s largest and most prosperous cities, informed the public that 44 percent of rice samples sold throughout the city contained dangerous levels of the metal cadmium. Cadmium in rice comes from the contaminated soil in which it is grown and is known to harm the liver, kidneys, lungs, and the respiratory tract — and lead to cancer.

The bad news didn’t end there. People living in northern China were informed by a team of American, Chinese and Israeli researchers that they should expect to live much shorter lives — a full 5.5 years shorter — than their countrymen to the south. The reason: Heavier coal dependency in the north makes the air they breathe that much more toxic than the air in the south. Around the same time, several partner universities and institutions, including the World Health Organization, issued a report finding that 1.2 million Chinese died prematurely in 2010 alone owing to the country’s polluted air.

China’s environment is a disaster. But by casting a bright light on the country’s severe pollution problems, the crises of the past year have stirred a greater environmental consciousness in the people. At the same time, they have spurred the country’s leaders to take more aggressive environmental action.

In March of this year, top officials in Beijing declared a “war on pollution.” A month later they reformed the country’s Environmental Protection Law for the first time since 1989, strengthening the system for fining polluters, permitting some nongovernmental organizations to bring public-interest lawsuits against those who violate the law, and holding local officials accountable for the environmental quality of their regions.

The leadership has banned the building of new coal-fired power plants in key economic areas and all coal use in Beijing by 2020. Trial carbon-trading programs have been introduced in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Guangzhou. Caps have been placed on coal consumption in some highly polluted regions. The government has committed $277 billion to an air pollution “action plan” and $333 billion to a water pollution “action plan.” China now invests more than any other country in renewable energy.

Finally, the authorities have restricted the number of cars on the road, set higher vehicle-emission standards and are offering huge rebates on the purchase of electric and hybrid vehicles.

We can’t yet know how effective these measures will be. But we shouldn’t be blind to the enormous effort China is making. Looking back years from now, my guess is that we will regard 2013 as a tipping point — China’s Cuyahoga moment. It was the year China as a nation became environmentally engaged. That engagement isn’t good just for China; it’s good for the entire world.

Daniel K. Gardner teaches Chinese history and environment at Smith College. He is writing a book on environmental pollution in China.
What are some reasons China feels it must make an action plan?
What pollutants does the article mention?
What body systems do the effect?

Define bold-faced words and concepts

CW December 2014 article antibiotic resistance

White House Releases Plan to Fight Antibiotic Resistance
The world is at “dire risk” of losing the remarkable power of antibiotic drugs that have saved millions of lives say prominent scientists who delivered a new report to President Obama on Thursday on the growing threat and how to fight it.

The report, which makes for sober reading, is the culmination of an 11-month study by the President’s Council of Advisers on Science and Technology.

“The evolution of antibiotic resistance is now occurring at an alarming rate,” the scientists reported. “This situation threatens patient care, economic growth, public health, agriculture, economic security and national security.”
Last year, FRONTLINE’s Hunting the Nightmare Bacteria showed how drug-resistant bacteria were spreading across the United States and around the globe. We documented the outbreak of a deadly bacteria at the Clinical Center of the National Institutes of Health and told the stories of two young people who fought desperate battles to survive infection. We also explored the reasons why there’s a dearth of new antibiotics coming to market, and we pointed out the government’s lack of focus on the problem.
Although known for decades, the danger of antibiotic resistance has never been a high priority in Washington. But the crisis has taken on new dimensions as the antibiotic pipeline has dried up. A report last year by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that 23,000 people die annually in the U.S. and more than 2 million are sickened by resistant infections.
Now, after years of relatively little attention to the issue, the White House is ramping up an effort to do something about antibiotic resistance. The president signed an executive order Thursday that calls for setting up a five-year national “action plan” by next February. The White House also issued a “national strategy” and Obama established a cabinet-level task force to help move things along. The administration also announced a $20 million prize for the development of rapid diagnostic tests to help spot highly resistant infections.
While the president has promised to take action, there’s no telling whether Congress or the administration will be able to muster new spending, legislation or regulatory changes. That heavy lifting will come later—in decisions about how to provide new resources and methods for the fight against drug resistant superbugs.

Improve the ability to track antibiotic resistant bacteria. Knowing where resistant bugs exist and where they are spreading has been a major challenge. The science advisers suggest creating a high-tech nationwide network that would use the latest whole-genome sequencing technology. This would give clinicians and public health officials a much better map about the bacteria and where they are showing up. But it will require $190 million a year.
Boost fundamental research to find out why and how bacteria become resistant to antibiotics. Although some mechanisms are known—the bacteria can pump out or destroy the antibiotic drugs—the science advisers say that we could learn more, especially about the behavior of the so-called Gram-negative bacteria, a kind of bacteria that are showing the most resistance modern antibiotics.
Make it easier to test new antibiotics in clinical trials. For a long time, pharmaceutical companies have said a lengthy, difficult regulatory process discourages the development of new drugs. The science advisers suggest setting up a faster, more efficient way to conduct clinical trials—a key step in testing new drugs for safety and efficacy—just for new antibiotics.
Encourage the pharmaceutical industry to develop new antibiotics. While not endorsing anything specific, the science advisers floated some very ambitious ideas, such as big government rewards or incentives that would attract private investment. But they pointed out that such incentives won’t come cheap. The price tag might be $800 million to get one new antibiotic a year.
Incentivize the health care industry to use antibiotics more carefully. Hospitals have become reservoirs of resistant bacteria and the science advisers suggest that the government could make a big difference by using federal reimbursement for Medicare and Medicaid to force better stewardship of antibiotics. This means making sure that doctors curb overuse of antibiotics, a leading cause of resistance.
Antibiotics are also widely used in American agriculture and more needs to be done to curb their use in raising farm animals. The science advisers suggest that the government seek “substantial changes” in the use of antibiotics on the farm. However, they don’t suggest changes beyond the measures already announced by the Food and Drug Administration, which has asked pharmaceutical companies to voluntarily phase out the use of the antibiotics for promoting growth in farm animals over three years and put antibiotics under the supervision of a veterinarian. The drugs would still be permitted to be added routinely to feed for cattle, swine and poultry for the purpose of disease prevention, which critics have said is still at low doses that would likely drive resistance.

Define all bold words and phrases

1.       What are some reasons that scientists feel antibiotics may become ineffective?
2.       How could these antibiotic resistant bacteria spread?
3.       What has the president proposed to reduce the risk?
4.       What are some improvements or goals they identify?
5.       What role might the pharmaceutical industry play?
6.       How are hospitals becoming the focus of research and containment?

7.       How do farm animals contribute to resistance?

Chapter 20 Humans and Pollution. Toxins and pathogens


Vocabulary Review
Practice test questions

1.AlkaliA substance with a pH greater than 7; also known as a "base" or "caustic"
2.antibiotic pradoxThe misuse of antibiotics causes mutation and subsequent resistance
3.Antibiotic resistancethe evolution of populations of pathogenic bacteria that antibiotics are unable to kill
4.AntidoteA substance that can reverse the adverse effects of a poison
5.BaseA substance with a pH greater than 7; also known as an "alkali" or "caustic"
6.CausticA substance with a pH greater than 7; also known as an "alkali" or "base"
7.chain of infectionA number of components or events that when present in a series, lead to an infection.
8.CholeraAn acute intestinal infection caused by ingestion of contaminated water or food
9.CorrosiveA substance able to corrode tissue or metal (e.g. acids and bases)
10.dose-response curveA graph of the ammount of dose given against the response seen.
11.environmental pollutantsSecond-hand smoke, work chemicals, and pollutants
12.EnzymeA large molecule (protein) that performs a biochemical reaction in the cell
13.epidemiologyA branch of medical science that deals with the incidence, distribution, and control of disease in a population
14.Gram Negative BacteriaType of bacteria that have a thin cell wall covered by an outer plasma membrane. They stain pink in Gram stain. Are typically more resistant to antibiotics.
15.heavy metal toxinsCadmium, silver, mercury, bismuth
16.hormone mimicsCertain pesticides and other synthetic chemicals can act as hormone imposters that may impair reproductive systems and sexual development or cause various physical and behavioral disorders.
17.HydrocarbonA member of a large class of chemicals belonging to the petroleum derivative family; they have a variety of uses, such as solvents, oils, reagents, and fuels
18.Lead poisoningA medical condition caused by toxic levels of the metal lead in the blood
19.MalariaA tropical disease carried by the anopheles mosquito and characterized by chills, fever, and sweating
20.MutationA change in the order of the bases in an organism's DNA; deletion, insertion, or substitution.
21.Neutralizing AgentA substance that counteracts the effects of acids or bases; brings the pH of a solution back to 7
22.OrganophosphateA pesticide that inhibits acetylcholinesterase
23.particulatesTiny particles or droplets that are mixed in with air.
24.pathogensAny microorganism that can cause disease (for example, a virus or bacteria that are disease causing).
25.PoisonAny substance that can harm the human body; also known as a toxin
26.ToxicologyThe study of poisons
27.ToxinAny substance that can harm the human body; also known as a poison
28.TuberculosisAn infectious disease that may affect almost all tissues of the body, especially the lungs
29.VectorA _____ is any animal capable of transmitting pathogens or producing human or animal discomfort or injury.
30.zoonosisAn animal disease that can be transmitted to humans.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

HW 26NOV14 article zoonoses

Article 2
BIODIVERSITY Animal diseases intensified by climate change
From Bluetongue disease in sheep to Rift Valley, Fever in camels, researchers say that animal diseases are sparked and spread by climate change. What causes them, and what can people do to prevent them from spreading?
Bluetongue is transmitted by a tiny biting midge, Cullicoides immitus, similar to the way that malaria is spread by mosquitoes.
Sheep with swollen, bright blue tongues: it is a surreal sight only recently spotted in Germany.
Aptly dubbed Bluetongue, the deadly disease causing the coloration was previously well known in veterinary medicine as a virus specific to Africa, says Heribert Hofer, the director of the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research at Free University of Berlin. It particularly occurs in sheep, cattle and goats.
Yet over the past 10 years, several cases have been reported throughout Western Europe due to an increase of the warm and wet temperatures where the disease thrives. To date, it’s killed more than 1.5 million sheep in Europe.
"Climate change makes it easier for the pathogen to spread beyond its normal places," says Hofer. "In places where it exists already, it might become more severe."
Bluetongue is one of a number of climate-affected diseases impacting the health of animals. Scientists such as Hofer say they will become more prevalent due to rising temperatures.
Animal diseases are a "canary in a coalmine", or an early-warning indicator of a greater problem at hand, says Matthew Bylis, head of Liverpool University’s Climate and Infectious Diseases of Animals (LUCINDA) group. Two-thirds of human diseases originate in animals, about half of which are farm animals.
Bluetongue is transmitted by Cullicoides immitus, a tiny biting midge, similar to the way that malaria is spread by mosquitoes.
Changing the rules of the game for pests
 Scientist examining a salamander
Bd, chytrid fungus deadly to European salamanders and newts, spreads more quickly under cooler temperatures.
Pests such as the biting midges, mosquitoes and flies used to be fenced into a specific geographic range or habitat type by climatic factors. Many of them thrive the warmer it gets, but then can no longer persist at higher altitudes. That’s quickly changing, though, says Richard S. Ostfeld, a senior scientist at the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies in Millbrook, New York.
"The concern is that, as there are places on the planet where conditions are currently too cold for the vectors to occur," says Ostfeld. "As the climate warms, the vectors will spread into those new areas and there will be a net increase in their geographic ranges."
Warming temperatures are giving these insects a competitive advantage, according to a 2011 article by Harvard University health researchers Samuel S. Myers and Aaron Bernstein. It is not only speeding up the rates of reproduction, development, survival and biting of blood-feeding pests, but is also shortening the parasite development time inside these disease-transmitters.

"Even though the actual change in temperature has not been very large, from our perspective, from the perspective of an insect, a pathogen in an insect is quite substantialbecause they’re so much more sensitive to climate," says Baylis. "All insects are affected by temperature and rainfall."
Take Rift Valley Fever, a virus transmitted by mosquitoes that has recently spread throughout Africa and the Middle East due to rainfall increases of up to three times their average annual rate. It has caused mass fatalities in camels, cattle, goats and sheep, and impacted the livelihoods of the farmers that depend on them.
Climate change also prompts behavioral changes of animals that make them more susceptible to disease, says Baylis. For example, during periods of drought animals will cluster together more at waterholes. The close proximity will allow diseases to spread more – and the animals, often in worse physical condition, will be unable to resist them.
Yet it’s not just warming, but climate fluctuations as a whole, which are sparking the spread of disease. There are a number of species of fungi, a couple of which serve as wildlife pathogens, which bode better under colder conditions.
Take the so-called Bd, a recently identified chytrid fungus deadly to European salamanders and newts, as well as frogs and toads worldwide. The lethal skin disease threatens more than 200 amphibian species around the world.
"Bd has been shown to not spread as rapidly or proliferate as rapidly under warm conditions," says Ostfeld, pointing out that higher temperatures are also known to reduce the ability of some amphibians to fight off infection. "So the fungus is actually assisted by cooler conditions."
Like most species, these amphibians evolve to adapt to changes in their environment -- but sometimes the change is too fast for them to keep up with. Thus, animal populations and their geographic ranges will shrink due to disease.
Impacting biodiversity
Bluetongue Disease, which started in Africa, has spread in the last decade to Europe and killed more than 1.5 million sheep there.
Infectious diseases in animals will have a more profound impact on biodiversity than has previously been realized, says Hofer.
"We recognize that infectious disease pathogens are a major force shaping not only the ecology of natural ecosystems, but also the evolution of species, their ability to handle challenges, and the development of new species," he says.
Combating these issues requires massive investment, training, and development of vaccines, says Ostfeld.
Species do move, and they can shift their positions in response to changing conditions, he adds. Yet the rate of climate change "is so fast right now",  that in many cases neither evolutionary change nor behavioral change is sufficient to keep up.
"Whatever we can do to slow things down," says Ostfeld, "we’re going to give untold numbers of species a fighting chance to adapt rather than disappear."
How does climate have an impact on disease spread?

How does the ability of animals to travel cause disease to spread?

Friday, November 21, 2014

Midterm Review

Ch 4,5, and 6

Test Practice


Midterm Environmental2014

Study online at
1.abiotic factorsDescribes the nonliving part of the environment, including water, rocks, lights, and temperature.
2.adaptationA trait that helps an organism survive and reproduce
3.altitudegenerally a decrease in temperature with height above sea level
4.biomesAreas with similar temperature, precipitation, altitude,soil, plants, and animals
5.biotic factorsAll the living organisms that inhabit an environment.
6.carbon cycleCirculation and reutilization of carbon includes photosynthesis and respiration.
7.cellular respirationProcess that releases energy by breaking down glucose and other food molecules in the presence of oxygen
8.consumersAn organism that obtains energy and nutrients by feeding on other organisms or their remains.
9.decomposersFungi and bacteria that break complex organic material into smaller molecules
10.dynamic equilibriumA state of balance between continuing processes.
11.evolutionChange in a kind of organism over time; process by which modern organisms have descended from ancient organisms. chainA diagram showing how energy passes from one organism to the next in an ecosystem
13.latitudemeasuring north and south of the equator (0 degrees); primary element of climate
14.natural selectionA natural process resulting in the evolution of organisms best adapted to the environment.
15.nirtogen cycleEssential to life because it is necessary for the manufacture of proteins and DNA. One of the most important and complex cycles
16.nitrogen cycleA major nutrient cycle consisting of the routes that nitrogen atoms take through the nested networks of environmental systems.
17.photosynthesisCarbon dioxide + water ----> glucose + oxygen
18.precipitationA form of water (e.g., hail,rain,sleet,snow), that condenses in the atmosphere and fall to Earth's surface.
19.producersA group of organisms that produce their own food through photosynthesis.
20.transpirationEvaporation of water from the leaves of a plant

Diversity of life

Natural selection is the process by which individuals that have favorable variations and are better adapted to their environment survive and reproduce more successfully than less well adapted individuals do.
Darwin proposed that over many generations, natural selection causes the characteristics of populations to change.
Evolution is a change in the characteristics of a population from one generation to the next.

Ch 4
ecosystem, 93
biotic factor, 94
abiotic factor, 94
organism, 95
species, 95
population, 95
community, 96
habitat, 96
natural selection, 97
evolution, 97
adaptation, 99
artificial selection,
resistance, 101
bacteria, 102
fungus, 103
protist, 104
gymnosperm, 105
angiosperm, 105
invertebrate, 106
vertebrate, 107

Main Ideas
 Ecosystems are composed of many interconnected
parts that often interact in complex ways.
 An ecosystem is the community of all the different
organisms living in an area and their
physical environment.
 An ecosystem contains biotic (living) and
abiotic (nonliving) components.
 Organisms live as populations of one species
in communities with other species. Each species
has its own habitat, or type of place that it lives.
The naturalist Charles Darwin used the term
natural selection to describe the unequal survival
and reproduction that results from the
presence or absence of particular traits.
 Darwin proposed that natural selection is
responsible for evolution—a change in the
genetic characteristics of a population from
one generation to the next.
 By selecting which domesticated animals and
plants breed, humans cause evolution by artificial
 We have unintentionally selected for pests
that are resistant to pesticides and for bacteria
that are resistant to antibiotics.
Organisms can be divided into six kingdoms,
which are distinguished by the types of cells
they possess and how they obtain their food.
 Bacteria and fungi play the important environmental
roles of breaking down dead organisms
and recycling nutrients.
 Gymnosperms are evergreen plants, many of
which bear cones, while angiosperms produce
flowers and bear seeds in fruit.
 Insects, invertebrates that are the most successful
animals on Earth, affect humans in both
positive and negative ways.
 Vertebrates, or animals with backbones,
include fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and

Ch 5
photosynthesis, 117
producer, 118
consumer, 118
decomposer, 119
cellular respiration,
food chain, 122
food web, 122
trophic level, 122
carbon cycle, 124
bacteria, 126
nitrogen cycle, 126
phosphorus cycle,
primary succession,
secondary succession,
pioneer species, 130
climax community,

Main Ideas
 The majority of the Earth’s organisms
depend on the sun for energy. Producers harness
the sun’s energy directly through photosynthesis,
while consumers use the sun’s energy
indirectly by eating producers or other consumers.
 The paths of energy transfer can be followed
through food chains, food webs, and trophic
 Only about 10 percent of the energy that an
organism consumes is stored and transferred
when that organism is eaten.
Materials in ecosystems are recycled and
reused by natural processes.
 Carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus are essential
for life, and each of them follows a recognizable
 Humans can affect the cycling of materials in
an ecosystem through activities such as burning
fossil fuels and applying fertilizer to soil.
ecological succession,
Organisms in an environment sometimes follow
a pattern of change over time known as
ecological succession.
 Secondary succession occurs on a surface
where an ecosystem has previously existed.
Primary succession occurs on a surface where
no ecosystem existed before.
 Climax communities are made up of organisms
that take over an ecosystem and remain
until the ecosystem is disturbed again.

Ch 6
Key Terms
biome, 143
climate, 144
latitude, 145
altitude, 145
Main Ideas
emergent layer, 148
canopy, 148
epiphyte, 148
understory, 148
temperate rain
forest, 151
temperate deciduous
forest, 152
taiga, 153
tropical rain forest,
savanna, 155
temperate grassland,
chaparral, 158
desert, 160
tundra, 162
permafrost, 162

Scientists classify the ecosystems of the world
into large areas called biomes.
 Biomes are described by their plant life
because the plants that grow in an area determine
what other organisms live there.
 Temperature, precipitation, latitude, and altitude
are factors that affect climate, which
determines the types of the plants that can
grow in an area. The major forest biomes include tropical rain
forests, temperate rain forests, temperate deciduous
forests, and taiga.
 Tropical rain forests receive heavy rains and
high temperatures throughout the year. They
receive about 200 to 450 cm of rainfall a year.
They are the most diverse of all biomes.
 Temperate deciduous forests experience
seasonal variations in temperature and precipitation.
They receive 75 to 125 cm of precipitation
a year.
 Forest biomes are threatened by deforestation
through logging, ranching, and farming.

Savannas are located north and south of
tropical rain forests and have distinct wet seasons.
Savannas receive 90 to 150 cm of precipitation
a year.
 Temperate grasslands get too little rainfall to
support trees. Grasslands are dominated mostly
by different types of grasses and flowering
plants. Shortgrass prairies receive about 25 cm
of precipitation a year.
 Deserts are the driest biomes on Earth.
Deserts receive less than 25 cm of precipitation
a year.
 Plants and animals found in each biome
adapt to the environment in which they live.