Monday, December 15, 2014

Chapter 20 Humans and Pollution. Toxins and pathogens


Vocabulary Review
Practice test questions

1.AlkaliA substance with a pH greater than 7; also known as a "base" or "caustic"
2.antibiotic pradoxThe misuse of antibiotics causes mutation and subsequent resistance
3.Antibiotic resistancethe evolution of populations of pathogenic bacteria that antibiotics are unable to kill
4.AntidoteA substance that can reverse the adverse effects of a poison
5.BaseA substance with a pH greater than 7; also known as an "alkali" or "caustic"
6.CausticA substance with a pH greater than 7; also known as an "alkali" or "base"
7.chain of infectionA number of components or events that when present in a series, lead to an infection.
8.CholeraAn acute intestinal infection caused by ingestion of contaminated water or food
9.CorrosiveA substance able to corrode tissue or metal (e.g. acids and bases)
10.dose-response curveA graph of the ammount of dose given against the response seen.
11.environmental pollutantsSecond-hand smoke, work chemicals, and pollutants
12.EnzymeA large molecule (protein) that performs a biochemical reaction in the cell
13.epidemiologyA branch of medical science that deals with the incidence, distribution, and control of disease in a population
14.Gram Negative BacteriaType of bacteria that have a thin cell wall covered by an outer plasma membrane. They stain pink in Gram stain. Are typically more resistant to antibiotics.
15.heavy metal toxinsCadmium, silver, mercury, bismuth
16.hormone mimicsCertain pesticides and other synthetic chemicals can act as hormone imposters that may impair reproductive systems and sexual development or cause various physical and behavioral disorders.
17.HydrocarbonA member of a large class of chemicals belonging to the petroleum derivative family; they have a variety of uses, such as solvents, oils, reagents, and fuels
18.Lead poisoningA medical condition caused by toxic levels of the metal lead in the blood
19.MalariaA tropical disease carried by the anopheles mosquito and characterized by chills, fever, and sweating
20.MutationA change in the order of the bases in an organism's DNA; deletion, insertion, or substitution.
21.Neutralizing AgentA substance that counteracts the effects of acids or bases; brings the pH of a solution back to 7
22.OrganophosphateA pesticide that inhibits acetylcholinesterase
23.particulatesTiny particles or droplets that are mixed in with air.
24.pathogensAny microorganism that can cause disease (for example, a virus or bacteria that are disease causing).
25.PoisonAny substance that can harm the human body; also known as a toxin
26.ToxicologyThe study of poisons
27.ToxinAny substance that can harm the human body; also known as a poison
28.TuberculosisAn infectious disease that may affect almost all tissues of the body, especially the lungs
29.VectorA _____ is any animal capable of transmitting pathogens or producing human or animal discomfort or injury.
30.zoonosisAn animal disease that can be transmitted to humans.

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