Monday, June 1, 2015

End term Checklist and chapter 15

End term checklist
Chapter 15 test on Tuesday June 9
T and F

Short answer
Study here
20 True/False questions
1. compost → a mixture of decomposing organic matter, such as manure and rotting plants, that is used as
fertilizer and soil conditioner.
True False
2. agricultural yield → the productivity of farmland
True False
3. Hunter gatherer → Food supply depends on killing animals and collected plant food
True False
4. genetic engineering → Food supply depends on killing animals and collected plant food
True False
5. malnutrition → a disorder or nutrition that results when a person does not consume enough of each of the
nutrients that are needed by the human body.
True False
6. suburban sprawl → a cud-chewing mammal that has a three-or-four-chambered stomach; examples include
sheep, goats, and cattle.
True False
7. proteins → a process in which the materials of Earth's surface are loosened, dissolved, or worn away and
transported from one place to another by a natural agent, such as wind, water, ice, or gravity.
True False
8. erosion → a process in which the materials of Earth's surface are loosened, dissolved, or worn away and
transported from one place to another by a natural agent, such as wind, water, ice, or gravity.
True False
9. Crop yield → the amount of crops produced per unit area.
True False
10. livestock → the type and amount of food a person eats.
True False
11. paleodiet → caveman diet; no processed food, mostly meat, fruits, and veggies.
True False
12. diet → caveman diet; no processed food, mostly meat, fruits, and veggies.
True False
13. famine → the type and amount of food a person eats.
True False
14. domesticated → a poison used to destroy pests, such as insects, rodents, or weeds; examples include
insecticides, rodenticides, and herbicides.
True False
15. overharvesting → domesticated animals that are raised to be used on a farm or ranch or to be sold for profit.
True False
16. ruminant → a cud-chewing mammal that has a three-or-four-chambered stomach; examples include sheep,
goats, and cattle.
True False
17. biological pest control → the use of certain organisms by humans to eliminate or control pests.
True False
18. aquaculture → A form of food production in which fields are in permanent cultivation using plows, animals,
and techniques of soil and water control.
True False
19. Amino acids → Building blocks of protein
True False
20. high fructose corn syrup → Contains nitrogen, carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen; composed of polymers of amino
True False
20 Multiple choice questions
1. the amount of crops produced per unit area.
a. erosion
b. proteins
c. topsoil
d. Crop yield
2. a cud-chewing mammal that has a three-or-four-chambered stomach; examples include sheep, goats, and
a. famine
b. diet
c. erosion
d. ruminant
3. Food supply depends on killing animals and collected plant food
a. aquaculture
b. Hunter gatherer
c. proteins
d. agriculture
4. cornstarch is treated with glucose isomerase enzyme and is converted to a syrup that is 42-55% fructose and
rest is glucose. Due to high sweetness, less is used thus costing less
a. Hunter gatherer
b. erosion
c. proteins
d. high fructose corn syrup
5. the raising of aquatic plants and animals for human use or consumption.
a. aquaculture
b. famine
c. agriculture
d. compost
6. the surface layer of the soil, which is usually richer in organic matter than the subsoil is.
a. erosion
b. Crop yield
c. topsoil
d. compost
7. a mixture of decomposing organic matter, such as manure and rotting plants, that is used as fertilizer and soil
a. famine
b. topsoil
c. compost
d. erosion
8. domesticated animals that are raised to be used on a farm or ranch or to be sold for profit.
a. erosion
b. livestock
c. diet
d. pesticide
9. the process by which human activities or climatic changes make arid or semiarid areas more desert like.
a. salinization
b. domesticated
c. desertification
d. malnutrition
10. caveman diet; no processed food, mostly meat, fruits, and veggies.
a. paleodiet
b. diet
c. topsoil
d. proteins
11. the use of certain organisms by humans to eliminate or control pests.
a. biological pest control
b. overharvesting
c. domesticated
d. salinization
12. a technology in which the genome of a living cell is modified for medical or industrial use.
a. Hunter gatherer
b. pesticide
c. genetic engineering
d. overharvesting
13. a disorder or nutrition that results when a person does not consume enough of each of the nutrients that are
needed by the human body.
a. malnutrition
b. paleodiet
c. erosion
d. salinization
14. a process in which the materials of Earth's surface are loosened, dissolved, or worn away and transported from
one place to another by a natural agent, such as wind, water, ice, or gravity.
a. topsoil
b. erosion
c. diet
d. proteins
15. Contains nitrogen, carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen; composed of polymers of amino acids
a. pesticide
b. proteins
c. famine
d. erosion
16. Unrestrained spread of city into non-urban areas; often leads to habitat fragmentation
a. Crop yield
b. topsoil
c. ruminant
d. suburban sprawl
17. catching or removing from a population more organisms than the population can replace.
a. proteins
b. overharvesting
c. erosion
d. livestock
18. widespread malnutrition and starvation in an area due to a shortage of food usually caused by a catastrophic
a. ruminant
b. erosion
c. famine
d. diet
19. A form of food production in which fields are in permanent cultivation using plows, animals, and techniques of
soil and water control.
a. aquaculture
b. agricultural yield
c. livestock
d. agriculture
20. the productivity of farmland
a. Crop yield
b. aquaculture
c. agricultural yield
d. agriculture

Sylvester Chapter 15June2015
Study online at
1.agricultural yield: the productivity of farmland
2.agriculture: A form of food production in which fields are in permanent cultivation using plows, animals, and techniques of soil and water control.
3.Amino acids: Building blocks of protein
4.aquaculture: the raising of aquatic plants and animals for human use or consumption.
5.biological pest control: the use of certain organisms by humans to eliminate or control pests.
6.compost: a mixture of decomposing organic matter, such as manure and rotting plants, that is used as fertilizer and soil conditioner.
7.Crop yield: the amount of crops produced per unit area.
8.desertification: the process by which human activities or climatic changes make arid or semiarid areas more desert like. the type and amount of food a person eats.
10.domesticated: describes organisms that have been bred and managed for human use.
11.erosion: a process in which the materials of Earth's surface are loosened, dissolved, or worn away and transported from one place to another by a natural agent, such as wind, water, ice, or gravity.
12.famine: widespread malnutrition and starvation in an area due to a shortage of food usually caused by a catastrophic event.
13.genetic engineering: a technology in which the genome of a living cell is modified for medical or industrial use.
14.high fructose corn syrup: cornstarch is treated with glucose isomerase enzyme and is converted to a syrup that is 42-55% fructose and rest is glucose. Due to high sweetness, less is used thus costing less
15.Hunter gatherer: Food supply depends on killing animals and collected plant food
16.livestock: domesticated animals that are raised to be used on a farm or ranch or to be sold for profit.
17.malnutrition: a disorder or nutrition that results when a person does not consume enough of each of the nutrients that are needed by the human body.
18.overharvesting: catching or removing from a population more organisms than the population can replace.
19.paleodiet: caveman diet; no processed food, mostly meat, fruits, and veggies.
20.pesticide: a poison used to destroy pests, such as insects, rodents, or weeds; examples include insecticides, rodenticides, and herbicides.
21.proteins: Contains nitrogen, carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen; composed of polymers of amino acids
22.ruminant: a cud-chewing mammal that has a three-or-four-chambered stomach; examples include sheep, goats, and cattle.
23.salinization: the accumulation of salts in soil.
24.suburban sprawl: Unrestrained spread of city into non-urban areas; often leads to habitat fragmentation
25.topsoil: the surface layer of the soil, which is usually richer in organic matter than the subsoil is.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Fed UP, Metabolic Syndrome, Food and Diagnostics

Sylvester Chapter 15 and food metabolism and Diagnostics 13MAY15

Study online at
1.Acid:Substance that dissociates into hydrogen ions and anions.
2.AcidSubstance that dissociates into hydrogen ions and anions.
3.acid-base balanceDelicate balance between body's acidity and alkalinity.
Equilibrium between acid and base concentrations in the body fluids.
Changes from normal blood pH (7.35 to 7.45)
Balance the production and loss of H+ ions. Kidneys (DCT & collect. sys)- secrete H+ ions into urine; generate buffers that enter bloodstream. Lungs: affect pH balance through elimination of of CO2.
4.acid-base balance:Delicate balance between body's acidity and alkalinity.Equilibrium between acid and base concentrations in the body fluids.Changes from normal blood pH (7.35 to 7.45) Balance the production and loss of H+ ions. Kidneys (DCT & collect. sys)- secrete H+ ions into urine; generate buffers that enter bloodstream. Lungs: affect pH balance through elimination of of CO2.
5.acidicA solution with more hydrogen ions will be more...
6.Acidity or alkalinity range0-14
7.adipose tissuereleases fat molecules by growth hormone stimulation / growth hormone breaks the molecule into glycerol.
8.Alkaline:A solution with more hydroxyl ions will be more...
9.AlkalineA solution with more hydroxyl ions will be more...
10.AnabolismSynthetic, energy requiring reactions where small molecules are built up ino larger one / Dehydration synthesis / requires energy to form new chemical bonds. dehydration synthesis
11.Anabolism:Synthetic, energy requiring reactions where small molecules are built up ino larger one / Dehydration synthesis / requires energy to form new chemical bonds. dehydration synthesis
12.baseSubstance that dissociates into hydroxyl ions and cation
13.basic metabolism testblood test that measures your sugar (glucose) level, electrolyte and fluid balance, and kidney function.
14.basic metabolism test:blood test that measures your sugar (glucose) level, electrolyte and fluid balance, and kidney function.
15.BiopsyDiagnostic examination of a piece of tissue from the living body
16.Biopsy:Diagnostic examination of a piece of tissue from the living body
17.blood urea nitrogenBUN - measures the amount of urea nitrogen in the blood
-Metabolism of the amino groups in proteins produce
A measurement of the nitrogen portion of urea, a product formed in the liver from protein metabolis
18.blood urea nitrogen:-Metabolism of the amino groups in proteins produce A measurement of the nitrogen portion of urea, a product formed in the liver from protein metabolis
19.Calories in a pound:3500
20.Calories in a pound3500
21.carbohydratesAbsorbed in the villi capillaries in the stomach / converted to glucose for energy / bodies first line of nutrition. as mono-, di- and polysaccharides
22.CatabolismChemical reactions that break down complex organic compounds into simple ones with the net release of energy / hydrolysis reaction that releases the available chemical energy in organic molecules. Hydrolysis
23.Chemical bondsattraction between atoms that allows the formation of chemical substances that contain two or more atoms. The bond is caused by the electrostatic force of attraction between opposite charges.
24.Chemical elementsSubstances that cannot be decomposed into simpler substances by ordinary means.
25.CompoundsSubstance containing atoms of two or more elements.
26.covalent bondA chemical bond that involves sharing a pair of electrons between atoms in a molecule.
27.Cytology(cell study) the study of body cells and their internal structure. Used in determining cancer and malignancy
28.Electrolyte IonsAtom with a positive or negative charge.
chemical substances which when dissolved in water or melted, separates into electrically charged particles (called ions) and they are capable of conducting en electric current. Used in nerve conduction and muscle movement
29.glucosea simple sugar that is an important source of energy. C6H12O6 formula, 70-110 mg/dL blood value, and it is
30.glucoseC6H12O6 formula, 70-110 mg/dL blood value, and it is
a simple sugar that is an important source of energy.
31.Grams in a tablespoon15 grams
32.Grams in a teaspoon4 grams
33.homeostasisProcess by which organisms maintain a relatively stable internal environment. Vital signs like blood pressure, glucose, heart rate, respiratory rate and temperature are examples
34.lipidOrganic compound composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen usually insoluble in water.
35.lipidOrganic compound composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen usually insoluable in water.
36.lipids and fatsbroken down into monoglycerides / fatty acids during digestion / some form ATP though oxidation / stored as protection / insulation.
37.Metabolic syndromeA medical condition characterized by a combination of high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, abdominal fat deposits and large waist circumference, and insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes
38.Metabolic syndromeA medical condition characterized by a combination of high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, abdominal fat deposits and large waist circumference, and insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes.
39.metabolismEnergy balancing act between anabolic and catabolic reactions.

25 Tor F  Assignment 2

1. blood urea nitrogen → BUN - measures the amount of urea nitrogen in the blood
-Metabolism of the amino groups in proteins produce
A measurement of the nitrogen portion of urea, a product formed in the liver from protein metabolis
True False
2. Anabolism: → Chemical reactions that break down complex organic compounds into simple ones with the net
release of energy / hydrolysis reaction that releases the available chemical energy in organic molecules.
True False
3. covalent bond → A chemical bond that involves sharing a pair of electrons between atoms in a molecule.
True False
4. blood urea nitrogen: → BUN - measures the amount of urea nitrogen in the blood
-Metabolism of the amino groups in proteins produce
A measurement of the nitrogen portion of urea, a product formed in the liver from protein metabolis
True False
5. salts → Substance that dissociates into hydroxyl ions and cation
True False
6. sodium ( Na+) → Most abundant extracellular ion / Necessary for transmission of impulses in nervous and
muscle tissue.
True False
7. glucose → a simple sugar that is an important source of energy. C6H12O6 formula, 70-110 mg/dL blood
value, and it is
True False
8. Radiotracer → radioisotopes used for diagnosis and treating of certain cancers
True False
5/13/2015 Test: Sylvester Chapter 15 and food metabolism and Diagnostics 13MAY15 | Quizlet
1&limit=25 2/3
9. radioisotopes → radioisotopes used for diagnosis and treating of certain cancers
True False
10. Alkaline: → A solution with more hydroxyl ions will be more...
True False
11. sodium and potassium → ____________ ensures that nerve impulses are generate, transmitted, and completed.
Work together to regulate the electrolyte balance. Sodium maintains the fluid balance in the blood;
True False
12. Biopsy: → Organic compound composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen usually insoluble in water.
True False
13. Cytology → Diagnostic examination of a piece of tissue from the living body
True False
14. Metabolic syndrome → A medical condition characterized by a combination of high blood cholesterol, high
blood pressure, abdominal fat deposits and large waist circumference, and insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes
True False
15. Calories in a pound → A chemical bond that involves sharing a pair of electrons between atoms in a molecule.
True False
16. basic metabolism test: → Chemical reactions that break down complex organic compounds into simple ones
with the net release of energy / hydrolysis reaction that releases the available chemical energy in organic
molecules. Hydrolysis
True False
17. Grams in a teaspoon → 15 grams
True False
18. Chemical bonds → attraction between atoms that allows the formation of chemical substances that contain two
or more atoms. The bond is caused by the electrostatic force of attraction between opposite charges.
True False
5/13/2015 Test: Sylvester Chapter 15 and food metabolism and Diagnostics 13MAY15 | Quizlet
1&limit=25 3/3
19. proteins → proteins: broken down into amino acids during digestion / synthesis is directed by DNA or RNA.
True False
20. Thyroid function test → measures the activity of the thyroid gland and the blood levels of the hormone
True False
21. Electrolyte Ions → Atom with a positive or negative charge.
chemical substances which when dissolved in water or melted, separates into electrically charged particles
(called ions) and they are capable of conducting en electric current. Used in nerve conduction and muscle
True False
22. Molecule → Energy balancing act between anabolic and catabolic reactions.
True False
23. Molecule → a simple sugar that is an important source of energy. C6H12O6 formula, 70-110 mg/dL blood
value, and it is
True False
24. Acid: → A solution with more hydrogen ions will be more...
True False
25. respiration → proteins: broken down into amino acids during digestion / synthesis is directed by DNA or RNA.

25 Multiple Choice  assignment  3
25 Multiple choice questions
1. radioisotopes used for diagnosis and treating of certain cancers
a. Radiotracer
b. acidic
c. carbohydrates
d. radioisotopes
2. A chemical bond that involves sharing a pair of electrons between atoms in a molecule.
a. salts
b. Chemical bonds
c. covalent bond
d. respiration
3. A solution with more hydroxyl ions will be more...
a. Anabolism:
b. Acid:
c. Alkaline:
d. base
4. proteins: broken down into amino acids during digestion / synthesis is directed by DNA or RNA.
a. proteins
b. salts
c. Biopsy
d. Alkaline
5. A medical condition characterized by a combination of high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, abdominal
fat deposits and large waist circumference, and insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes
a. Anabolism
b. metabolism
c. Metabolic syndrome
d. Catabolism
5/13/2015 Test: Sylvester Chapter 15 and food metabolism and Diagnostics 13MAY15 | Quizlet
1&limit=25 2/5
6. Atom with a positive or negative charge.
chemical substances which when dissolved in water or melted, separates into electrically charged particles
(called ions) and they are capable of conducting en electric current. Used in nerve conduction and muscle
a. proteins
b. Chemical bonds
c. covalent bond
d. Electrolyte Ions
7. Substance that dissociates into hydroxyl ions and cation
a. Acid
b. lipid
c. base
d. salts
8. Substance containing atoms of two or more elements.
a. homeostasis
b. proteins
c. Compounds
d. Cytology
9. Substance that dissociates into hydrogen ions and anions.
a. Acid
b. acidic
c. base
d. lipid
10. Energy balancing act between anabolic and catabolic reactions.
a. Molecule
b. salts
c. lipid
d. glucose
11. 4 grams
a. respiration
b. Grams in a tablespoon
c. Grams in a teaspoon
d. Calories in a pound
5/13/2015 Test: Sylvester Chapter 15 and food metabolism and Diagnostics 13MAY15 | Quizlet
1&limit=25 3/5
12. releases fat molecules by growth hormone stimulation / growth hormone breaks the molecule into glycerol.
a. Anabolism:
b. adipose tissue
c. Anabolism
d. homeostasis
13. A solution with more hydroxyl ions will be more...
a. glucose
b. Alkaline
c. Acid:
d. lipid
14. Most abundant extracellular ion / Necessary for transmission of impulses in nervous and muscle tissue.
a. sodium ( Na+)
b. Compounds
c. Potassium ( K+)
d. homeostasis
15. blood test that measures your sugar (glucose) level, electrolyte and fluid balance, and kidney function.
a. Catabolism
b. Anabolism:
c. basic metabolism test:
d. metabolism
16. Diagnostic examination of a piece of tissue from the living body
a. lipid
b. salts
c. Biopsy:
d. base
17. blood test that measures your sugar (glucose) level, electrolyte and fluid balance, and kidney function.
a. Catabolism
b. basic metabolism test
c. metabolism
d. Anabolism
5/13/2015 Test: Sylvester Chapter 15 and food metabolism and Diagnostics 13MAY15 | Quizlet
1&limit=25 4/5
18. Energy balancing act between anabolic and catabolic reactions.
a. metabolism
b. Anabolism
c. Catabolism
d. salts
19. 3500
a. respiration
b. covalent bond
c. Grams in a teaspoon
d. Calories in a pound
20. Substance that dissociates into hydrogen ions and anions.
a. Acid:
b. base
c. acidic
d. lipid
21. 3500
a. respiration
b. Grams in a teaspoon
c. Calories in a pound:
d. Compounds
22. Absorbed in the villi capillaries in the stomach / converted to glucose for energy / bodies first line of nutrition.
as mono-, di- and polysaccharides
a. radioisotopes
b. Catabolism
c. carbohydrates
d. Radiotracer
23. Chemical reactions that break down complex organic compounds into simple ones with the net release of
energy / hydrolysis reaction that releases the available chemical energy in organic molecules. Hydrolysis
a. Anabolism:
b. Anabolism
c. metabolism
d. Catabolism
5/13/2015 Test: Sylvester Chapter 15 and food metabolism and Diagnostics 13MAY15 | Quizlet
1&limit=25 5/5
24. broken down into amino acids during digestion / synthesis is directed by DNA or RNA.
a. salts
b. Alkaline
c. proteins
d. Biopsy:
25. -Metabolism of the amino groups in proteins produce A measurement of the nitrogen portion of urea, a
product formed in the liver from protein metabolis
a. blood urea nitrogen:
b. Alkaline:
c. blood urea nitrogen

d. respiration
Short Answer Questions Assignment 1
1.       How does metabolism relate to homeostasis?
2.       What role does the thyroid gland play in metabolism?
3.       How are biopsies and radiotracers used to determine thyroid health?
4.       What would be some required actions if a biopsy were sent to cytology for analysis and results showed a malignancy?
5.       What are some uses for radioisotopes?
6.       What systems are evaluated when a basic metabolism test is ordered?
7.       What role does glucose  play in maintaining homeostasis?
8.       How is diabetes a failure of glucose regulation?
9.       Metabolic syndrome can be quite disease producing, what are some dangers associated with it?
10.   How are ions like sodium and potassium important to electrical activity of the body?
11.   How does the body enable acid-base balance?
12.   What is the source of nitrogen in urine?
13.   What is the atomic number of nitrogen?
14.   If a client eats excess of 200 calories per day, how many calories would be in excess in a year?
15.   If the client consumed 75000 calories at 3500 per lbs?
16.   If a popular iced tea product contains 25g of sugar per serving and there are 2.5 servings in the dollar bottle, how many grams of sugar per week if it is consumed twice a day?
If there are 4 grams in a teaspoon, how many teaspoons in a product with 36 grams per serving with
2.5 servings?

25 Tor F  Assignment 2

25 Multiple Choice  assignment  3

Study Vocabulary